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Cyrus Peikari

Library: Cyrus Peikari

Cyrus Peikari, Seth Fogie, Ratter «Details Emerge on the First Windows Mobile Virus»[Abstract] 43.5Kb (0) 7166 hits

Dr. Peikari is the CEO of AirScanner Mobile Security and co-author of the book "Maximum Wireless Security" from SAMS Publishing. He finished his formal training with honors in electrical engineering from Southern Methodist University in 1991. For eight years Dr. Peikari taught advanced mathematics at the SMU Learning Enhancement Center in Dallas, Tx. He has previously worked as a telecommunications software research and development engineer for Alcatel. He is a frequent speaker at information security and technology conferences, including DefCon and NetSec. He has co-authored five best selling network security books - three of them as lead author - and he has published several award-winning security software programs.
